Lyrics 4 Tomorrow

this is the sigh before the yawn

Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a sunny person, with a sunny personality. I like sunlight, it cleans my dishes properly.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

While The Mother Sleeps

a mother wakes and views
On the hill,
behind the house
The empty swing hung from the Scotch pine
Swaying in the wind,
waiting to be used again.
the red clay mud grown over with weeds
children's feet no longer stunt the seeds
a mother cries, tries denying they are gone.

The children went away long ago
The toys still in their chest
they remain unused,
but their memory is all that's left

A lone man stands by the river
As the Ohio flows itself away
the years flood back in muddy waters
things once mysterious become known
fishing out his father's mistakes
fishing out his own.
a message in a bottle floats
on years to his son

the hallow.
foggy, covered with leaves
once harboured here a child
hiding in the autumn morn
and from his parents scorn
his soul drank from these streams
knowing life can fall apart at the seams.

a child goes to the door alone
while the mother sleeps
things learned at a tender age
are things learned for keeps
and so the child looks out on an empty world
while the mother sleeps


Blogger Shy said...

has a haunting sentiment/quality. maybe it's just because it's my birthday today, but the imagery of the aging man by the river side stands out. kudos....does anyone say that anymore? am i that lame? ...
what is the most recent thing you learned for keeps?

4:49 PM  
Blogger SirTalksALot said...

shy - Happy b-lated birthday! And thank you for being my first comment on Lyrics 4 Tomorrow! Don't worry about being out on the lingo, you can say anything you want anytime! I do (of course most people think I'm nuts) Let's see, most recent learning for keeps would be that the more I learn the less I know the answers, because each new piece of information opens a whole new question to be answered so I get less flustered by leaving things to the mystery of the universe.

5:42 AM  
Blogger Blondie... said...

The meaning strikes my heart very deeply...these lyrics moreso than the others. I'm the mother to a very tender 18 month old babe. I can't imagine him looking out to this empty world while I sleep...but yet...I know he will and he'll have bumps & bruises...but I pray he'll fare well.

Thank you for sharing.


11:18 PM  

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