Lyrics 4 Tomorrow

this is the sigh before the yawn

Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I'm a sunny person, with a sunny personality. I like sunlight, it cleans my dishes properly.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Unable to See

Do you ever wanna stop trying?
At this life-long stockmarket crash into which we are buying
At this masqurade ball to which we have no entry
At this hall of mirrors where distortion is reality
Seeking a ray of hope in the eternal night
That will open the darkeness and give me some sight.
There's gotta be a break for me, people get them all the time
I wanna stand in victory of this mountain that I climb
Perhaps someone's stacked the cards in my destiny deck
But the game continues and my fortune's a wreck
It seems the joke's always on me
Like I'm the center of some Greek tragedy
I'm a clown at the circus, and I'm the only one
That's wearing a smile, but not having any fun
But somehow I can't find a way out
To make my way to become the man that some woman dreams about
I keep searching, trying for another day to pursue my dreams
Yet it seems
I'm reaching out for help to extinguish these fires
Bursting into flames from the depths of my desires
My pain is the beacon
to the ship of love that I'm seekin'
But I guess I'm a lighthouse in the middle of a field
No use to anyone sailing towards rocks unrevealed
If I'm a beach, life's the breakers
Eroding my soul by emotional acres.
Takers--Life's full up of these
I'm the dog, they're the fleas.
I gotta get back, gotta seek again
Gotta start living life to win!
And then again, I'm taken back to the reality
That I sit alone in darkness, unable to see.


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